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Mobile Legends Wallpaper

Present, Mobile Legends' Wallpaper for your mobile Phone

Discussion text "GOJEK"

Advantage and Disadvantage Gojek             Gojek is booking servies ohek by gojek application which can be download at Smartphone. Gojek known as instant courier, transport, shopping, and corporate. It also emphasizes the the advantage of speed, innovation, and social interaction.             Gojek is growth fast since 2010. Gojek employee now present everywhere in Jakarta and gojek also populer on comfortablelity, eficiency of time and ojek driver ‘s benerfit which is most of they are spend their time  to wait the customer . Beside that, Gojek would be banned by our government because it doesn’t meet requirment  of public transport . And the customer complains to gojek organizer  for rule of gojek which make customer customer feel disturb by gojek driver who try to get a relationship with customer.         ...

Membuat logo CHROME dengan COREL DRaw

            Berikut video yang bisa kamu ikuti langkah- langkah nya :  

Materi Corel Draw

MENGGUNAKAN INTERACTIVE TOOL ·           Interactive Blend digunakan untuk membuat deretan objek diantara objek awal dan objek akhir. 1.         Buat dua objek, diletakkan berjauhan 2.         Klik interative blend tool pada tool box 3.        Drag dari objek A ke objek B dan lepaskan mouse, maka akan menghasilkan gambar gabungan ·           Interactive countor digunakan untuk membuat objek secara continue menuju titik atau titik tertentu dari objek. 1.         Buat objek atau teks 2.         Kilk interactive countor dari tool box 3.         Klik dari pinggir objek dan drag ke tengah objek 4.         Lepaskan mouse ·  ...